The satisfaction of our customers and residents are equally important for us,

so we regurarly ask for their opinion, based on this we can continuously improve our professional service.

The satisfaction of our customers and residents are equally important for us,
so we regurarly ask for their opinion, based on this we can continuously improve our professional service.

Our partners said

Our partners said

We reguarly ask our partners opinion so we can constantly improve our professional service.

We reguarly ask our partners opinion so we can constantly improve our professional service.

“They have taken the burden of accommodation services from our shoulders”

László Ágoston, Jobmotive Kft.

“Quick reaction, correct attitude, taking into account the interests of the tenants, effective communication”

Attila Deák, Ibiden Hungary Kft

“Immediate problem solving
in the process of moving in and out of employees”

Réka Ferencz, Pannon-Work Zrt.

Measuring Guests’ satisfaction:

We regulary measure our guests’ satisfaction with our service: we carry out a full-coverage survey with the participation of all the guests quarterly and also, right after the move-in of each hosted employees. Our questionnaire covers quality and the cleanliness of the property, the rooms, the water blocks and the communal areas, as well as the satisfaction with the housekeeper’s work.

Guests’ satisfaction regarding our service and the housekeeper’s work

Guests’ satisfaction regarding our service and the housekeeper’s work

(scale 1 to 5, sample of ~ 2 000 guests)

  • To what extent are you statisfied with Staff House’s service?

  • To what extent are you statisfied with housekeeper’s work?

Rendszeres lakó-elégedettségi felméréseket is végzünk: minden lakó esetében közvetlenül a beköltözés után, illetve negyedéves rendszerességgel átfogó felmérést, minden lakónk bevonásával. Kérdőíves felmérésünk kiterjed az ingatlan, szobák, vizesblokkok és közös helyiségek állapotára, tisztaságára és felszereltségére; valamint a gondnok munkájával kapcsolatos elégedettségre is.