Kossuth road

1/d Kossuth Lajos road, 9483 Sopronkövesd

Kossuth road

1/d Kossuth Lajos road, 9483 Sopronkövesd


  • Double-triple rooms

  • Refrigator

  • Television

  • Free WIFI

  • Automatic washing machine

  • Free parking


The workers’ accomodation is located in Sopronkövesd, about 25 kilometers away from Sopron city. The building can accomodate 30 people. There is a small grocery shop and a tobacco store nearby. We provide free parking for guests arriving by car.
The accomodation is accesible by a scheduled bus service, in addition there is a bus stop in the immediate vicinity of the building.

The accomodation is provided in double and triple rooms. The rooms are equipped with TV, deep-freezing refrigerator, beds, table, chair, wardrobe, bedding and bed linen. We provide free WiFi for all employees. The shared kitchen has baking, cooking and food heating facilities. Automatic washing machines are provided for washing.

Contact us

Write us an e-mail or call us!

Please contact us
to help you choosing the most sufficient accomodation for your employees!